Top 5 Myths About Renting to HCV Tenants – BUSTED!

HCV myths

Many misconceptions exist regarding the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program and its impact on landlords. This article aims to dispel some of the most common myths:

Myth 1: Landlords must charge HCV tenants below market rent.

FALSE. Landlords are not obligated to charge HCV tenants less rent than other tenants. However, the housing authority must determine that the proposed rent is reasonable and comparable to similar units in the area with similar amenities. This ensures fair pricing for both the tenant and the program.

Myth 2: HCV tenants are inherently problematic and likely to damage property or not pay rent.

FALSE. The notion that HCV tenants are problem tenants is unfounded. In fact, HCV tenants are typically long-term renters, with an average tenancy of 7-8 years. Furthermore, there are no documented statistics indicating that HCV participants are more likely to damage units or miss rent payments compared to non-HCV tenants. Landlords retain the right and responsibility to screen HCV applicants using their standard screening criteria, just as they would with any other prospective tenant, to mitigate the risk of problem tenants.

Myth 3: It’s nearly impossible to evict an HCV tenant who violates their lease.

FALSE. HCV tenants are bound by the terms of their rental agreements and are subject to eviction just like any non-HCV tenant when they violate the lease. The HCV program does not provide special protection against eviction for tenants who fail to uphold their lease obligations.

Myth 4: If a landlord rents to one HCV tenant, they are obligated to rent all their units to HCV program participants.

FALSE. Accepting one HCV Program tenant does not obligate a landlord to rent all of their units to HCV Program participants. For each vacancy, landlords should follow their established policies for screening prospective tenants. Landlords maintain the autonomy to choose tenants for each of their available units in accordance with their standard procedures.

Myth 5: Landlords will not receive their full rental payment on time with HCV tenants.

This is a myth because the HCV program offers timely and dependable payments from the public housing authority (PHA). Compliant landlords who have signed the HAP contract and lease will receive timely housing assistance payments (HAP) each month. Moreover, the program provides financial protection to landlords. If a HCV tenant’s income permanently changes, the PHA adjusts its portion of the rent payment to ensure the landlord continues to receive the full rental payment.

By understanding the facts about the HCV program, landlords can make informed decisions about participating and contributing to affordable housing opportunities in their communities.

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