Myth-Busting for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Landlords

Myth-Busting for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Landlords

There are many misconceptions surrounding the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program that deter landlords from participating. This newsletter aims to debunk those myths and provide clarity on the program.

Myth #1: “Landlords can’t charge HCV participants the same rent as their non-HCV tenants.”

False: Landlords have the right to charge full rent, regardless of tenant participation in the HCV program. The housing authority will assess the reasonableness of the proposed rent and ensure it aligns with comparable units in the area.

Myth #2: “HCV Voucher tenants are problem tenants.”

False: HCV tenants are generally long-term renters, averaging 7-8 years in a unit. There is no evidence to suggest they are more prone to property damage or rent non-payment than non-HCV tenants. Landlords should apply their standard screening criteria to ensure a good fit for their property.

Myth #3: “It’s nearly impossible to evict an HCV tenant who violates the lease.”

False: HCV tenants are held to the same standards as any other tenant. They are bound by the terms of their lease agreement and can be evicted for violations.

Myth #4: “If I rent to one HCV tenant, I must rent to all HCV applicants.”

False: Renting to an HCV tenant does not create an obligation to rent to all HCV applicants. Landlords should consistently apply their established screening policies for all prospective tenants.

Key Takeaway:

The HCV program offers an opportunity for landlords to expand their tenant base, reduce vacancies, and receive reliable rental payments. Don’t let myths and misconceptions hold you back!

Want to learn more about the benefits of the HCV program? Contact your local housing authority for information and resources.

If you are a Section-8 property owner with HAP contract and looking to sell, we are always interested in exploring how we can work together for a seamless disposition/exit of your properties. Please contact us via below link:


About NorthLoop Investments Our Principals at North Loop Investments have owned and operated HAP properties in Midwest and Southeast. Our properties include disability and family projects. We are approved to own and operate HUD housing with prior 2530 clearance. Upon your request, we would be happy to provide any additional information about our company or go to our website at:

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